Rock the Kootenays
Rock the Kootenays - Kimberley to/from WFP Shuttle - Aug 9-11, 2024
Simply Kimberley / Resort Tours is operating a shuttle bus from Kimberley to Cranbrook for Rock the Kootenays.
Return shuttle will occur nightly with a 1030p departure time from the Memorial Arena near Western Financial Place.
Pricing and Info
$40 per day, per seat for return shuttle (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).
Shuttle departs Trickle Creek Lodge (TCL) with picks up at Visitor Info Centre at the Platzl and the Petrocan in Marysville.
Shuttle has a max capacity of 24 seats.
Walk on passengers may be accommodated if capacity allows; cash only.
As per BC Legislation, alcohol is not allowed to be consumed during transportation on our bus.
Shuttle Schedule
Friday, Aug 9 > 4p depart TCL. Return at 1030p from WFP.
Saturday, Aug 10 > 2p depart TCL. Return at 1030p from WFP.
Sunday, Aug 11 > 2p depart TCL. Return at 1030p from WFP.