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Simply Kimberley has partnered with Gathering Co. a mouthwatering local catering service. From an intimate dinner party to a canapé function for a large group, let us elevate your stay so that you can relax and enjoy sharing food with your company.  Gathering's menus are custom written around your tastes and the season.



Gathering Co - Catering in Partnership with Simply Kimberley

At Gathering, we believe that food is beautiful when treated simply. We insist on and deliver quality by highlighting the natural perfection of every ingredient. We understand the importance of sustainability for the planet on which we live so we source organic ingredients if we are able. We are inspired by the seasons and plan menus around the bounty of our region.


Let us elevate your stay so you can relax and enjoy sharing food with your company. Our menus are custom written around your tastes and the season.

Alicia Bodaly - Gathering Catering
Food preparation with local produce
Beet Carpaccio
Lamb popsickles
Cheese & wine
Wine education
Plated meal
Main course
Side dish
To a great night
Creme brulee
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